My Blind Date With a Troll

“Melanie,” says Elroy, flashing a smile that might be alluring if I were blind. “Relax. It’s just dinner.” He plucks a long black hair from one of his facial warts. “Let’s get you a drink.”

The Best Way To Order Sushi

Your student loan officer is a woman named Brenda who holds the phone in such a way that you can hear each keystroke in her quest to “move some stuff around” and get you an installment plan that “makes sense for everybody.”

The Human Factory

The Factory, unfathomable in size and complexity, is where humans are made. This is the first lesson each angel learns upon arrival. The second lesson: God likes to delegate.

Missed Connection

I’m actually a vegetarian and even if I wasn’t, fat chance I’d go to a hot dog cart—everything you need to know about hot dogs you can learn from the hot dog episode of How It's Made.

In Other Words

Barry didn’t consider himself the prime mover of this divorce—he considered himself a failed failsafe. In other words, Barry felt like the shield generator on the forest moon of Endor.  

Office Secret Santa

“Shinto,” I say, reciting from memory the Wikipedia article I read earlier today.  “An ethnic religion of the people of Japan.”  Jennifer looks around frantically, as if a Japanese person might have snuck in while she wasn’t looking.